Monday, November 1, 2010

NRHS Athletic Handbook available online

The New Richmond Board of Education has approved the Athletic Department Handbook for New Richmond High School. All NRHS student-athletes and their parents/guardians are encouraged to read the handbook which can be accessed at the link below or at

Click here to view NRHS Athletic Handbook

From Doug Foote, NRHS Athletic Director and Dean of Students:

"This handbook is presented to you because your son/daughter has indicated a desire to participate in interscholastic athletics, and you have expressed your willingness to permit him/her to compete. The New Richmond High School Athletic Department believes that a dynamic program of student activities is vital to the educational development of the student. Its Athletic Program will provide a variety of experiences to aid in the development of favorable habits and attitudes in students that will prepare them for adult life.

The New Richmond School District is very proud of the wide variety of opportunities for athletic participation. These opportunities are believed to be a critical part of a student’s total development as they assist in the building of positive character and leadership traits.

Young people learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic athletics. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of each team in our athletic program.

Likewise it is felt that you have committed yourself to certain responsibilities and obligations. It is the athletic department’s intent through this handbook to acquaint you with policies that are necessary for an organized program of athletics. This handbook originated for prospective athletes and their parents/guardians to become familiar with the Interscholastic Athletic Code of Conduct and the policies of the New Richmond High School Athletic Department.

These rules need broad-based community support to be fully effective. This is only achieved through communication amongst all parties involved. It is our hope that this handbook serves as a means to accomplishing this objective