Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Richmond Golf delivers 1st win of the season

The Lion golf team got their first victory of the season last night at Goshen. The Lions out shot the Warriors by a score of 177-180.Taking top honors for the Lions and also the Medalist for the match was Tyler Flood who shot a 39 on the front 9 at Deer Track Golf Course. Also playing for the Lions and their scores in the first victory of the season were Kyle Neal (45), Austin Wells (46), Jake Schumacher (47), Anthony Niederhelmen (53), and Evan McKinley (51).
Also traveling to Goshen to participate in a J.V. match were David Ohntrup (67), Matt Rydzweski (60), Steven Benton (64) and Wes Nagy (73). The Lions were defeated by the Warriors by the score of 220-264.